At Central MN Foot & Ankle, our top priority is the health and safety of our patients.

During the Covid Pandemic we have remained dedicated to providing a safe and healthy office for our patients.  All our staff is vaccinated to protect ourselves and our patients that might be at high risk. 

We also continue to maintain additional precautions to help reduce the risk of transmission.

* We thoroughly disinfect every treatment room between each patient.

* We encourage but do not require wearing of facemasks. Patients may request all staff wear masks during their care.

* All staff and physicians wear face masks and other necessary protective equipment, as advised by CDC and MN Dept of Health.

* We  regularly disinfect the entire waiting room throughout each day.

*We are requiring our patients that currently have symptoms of fever, bitcoin-bruteforce  cough or shortness of breath, or have been in contact with someone       who has tested positive for the virus to reschedule their appointment  and contact their primary care clinic, urgent care or the ER.

*We are allowing family members to accompany patients into the office and treatment rooms.

* If you would be more comfortable being escorting directly to treatment rooms upon entering to limit any social contact in the waiting room, please let our receptionist know right away. We will otherwise do our best to limit the amount of time you will spend in the waiting room.

*We have adjusted our schedule to allow sufficient time for our staff and our doctors to help maintain the safety of our patients.

* We can conduct your visit via Telehealth if preferred.

We now can conduct office visits remotely (telehealth)!

We welcome our patients during this time to change or schedule their appointments as a telehealth visit. 

During your telehealth visit we can:

  1. Get an accurate history and understanding of you current concern and health history.
  2. Come to at least a preliminary diagnosis (perhaps pending an in person exam for some).
  3. We can then discuss treatment options and recommendations. 
  4. Prescriptions if needed can be sent electronically to your pharmacy.

If a procedure or direct contact is required then we can schedule an appointment in our office.

If that would be necessary you would not be charged an additional visit for the office encounter other than any procedures or supply fees (provided that no additional concerns are addressed) . 

For more information:…